It was an ordinary day for a senior class talent show at Ardrey Kell High School in North Carolina, USA, until Mike Senatore stepped on the stage with a water of bottle. According to Select All, he describes himself as a normal guy who doesn't do sports, works at a car wash, and isn't really anything special...

... until he flipped a bottle of water, making it land neatly on a table.

The video, now with more than 51,000 retweets and is being shared on American talk shows, including Good Morning America, has taken over Twitter by storm. It features Senatore making a dramatic entrance with an equally dramatic soundtrack in the background, followed by a wildly excited crowd.

"We got bored in class a lot and one day I realized if I emptied a water bottle I could flip it onto the table," Senatore said in the article by Select All. He even shared a few tips: to fill about one-third of the bottle with water and practise a lot. The teenager's favourite brand of bottle to use is Deer Park... just in case you want to upstage him.

So, pro tip everyone: when you're bored, do something ridiculous so that you, too, can take over social media.