The Hari Raya celebration is near, and you know what that means: on top of the usual last minute rush to get everything you haven't gotten already, there's also the dreaded queuing up at the bank to exchange notes for 'duit Raya'.

If you've been one of those queues before, you'll know what a hassle this is.

But what it we told you that this Hari Raya, there’s no need for you to ‘beg’ for small notes from your friends and relatives?

In fact, there’s no need for you to even queue up at banks to change small notes.

We're going to tell you now.
According to a report in Astro Awani, quoting a Facebook post by Mohd Shukur, there’s a simpler and more convenient way to do it...through the Automatic Teller Machine (ATM).

Still confused? Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Just look for an ATM with this poster.
  1. Go to your nearest (selected Maybank outlet and pick the ATM machine that has a poster with the words 'Khas untuk pelanggan Maybank. Dapatkan wang kertas RM10 di mesin ini’.
  2. Select 'Withdrawal' and choose the amount of money you would like to withdraw. The maximum amount of money you can withdraw is RM300.
  3. You will receive all red notes (RM10) or blue notes (RM50).
  4. Once that's done, you can also ask for ‘duit raya’ packets from the counter.

There you go, guys! Now that you've save some time queuing up for 'duit raya', you can spend more time online shopping.