
The Highest Paid CEO In America Is...A Malaysian?!

Nicholas Chow
02:18 MYT

Well, you can't exactly say that foreigners are coming to our country and stealing our jobs now.

Financial news site The Wall Street Journal has revealed the list of the top earning CEOs in the United States, and with names such as Apple's Tim Cook, Google's Sundar Pichai and Facebook's Marck Zuckerberg, no one expected this one man to top the list.
To make things even more surprising, the man is actually a Malaysian!
Unbelievable! According to the website, the highest-earning CEO in the US is a man named Tan Hock Eng.
The 65-year-old Penangite - who is the head of Broadcom, a global supplier and maker of computer chips - pocketed a jaw-dropping USD103.2mil (RM407.9mil) in 2017!
His pay package last year saw a massive 318 per cent jump from his salary of USD24.7 million (RM97.6mil) in 2016.
And here we are asking for a three per cent pay raise and our bosses still reject us.
Tan comes from a humble family.Now, here's where it gets interesting: the Wall Street Journal reported that Tan's base pay is only USD1.1mil (RM4.35mil).
The bulk of his insane pay package comes from shares awarded to him, valued at USD98.3mil (RM388.6mil), and a performance bonus of USD3.7mil (RM14.6mil).
His travel expenses, 401(K) compensation (their version of the EPF) and car services expenses also contributed to the figure.
No one else comes close. All in all, Tan - who is a Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard Business School graduate - earned approximately 2,039 times more than the average worker in the United States.
In fact, his pay package is head and shoulders above his nearest competitor, CBS' Les Moonves, who brought home 'only' USD69.3mil (RM273.9mil).
Congratulations, Mr Tan.
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