To Grab or to cab?

Beginning today, e-hailing services in Malaysia will be put under the same licensing regulations as taxis to give both parties an equal playing ground.

Firstly, e-hailing drivers must obtain a Public Service Vehicle (PSV) license and renew it annually in order to operate, as reported by The Sun.

But before obtaining the PSV card, all drivers will need to attend a six-hour course that costs RM200 at any designated driving institutions.

This group of drivers are also required to go for regular vehicle inspections and health check-ups, like the cabbies.

If you thought you had it easy as an e-hailing driver, there's more.

To Grab or to cab?
Your vehicles must also have at least a three-star recognition by the New Car Assessment Programme for ASEAN Countries.

So, if you're driving around in a car that is more than three years old, you need to get it inspected at Puspakom with a RM55 fee.

As e-hailing services will now be regulated under the Land Public Transport (Amendment) Act 2017 and the Commercial Vehicle Licensing Board (Amendment) Act 2017, companies must register with the Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) and pay a fee.

This will reportedly affect at least 10 e-hailing companies and about 200,000 active drivers.

Hence the Transport Ministry has allowed a one-year moratorium for the relevant stakeholders involved before it is fully implemented.

You got new rules, don't count 'em.
But since we're talking about a fair play, taxis will also have some standard requirements to follow.

All taxis will only be required to go for inspections once a year, instead of the previous twice a year rule.

And yes, cabbies must also attend the same six-hour course and pay the same RM200 fee to obtain a PSV license.

Malay Mail also reported that taxi drivers who wish to jump ship and join e-hailing companies, the government will give them a RM5,000 incentive to buy new vehicles.

This same incentive also applies to those whose lease permits with taxi companies have expired and now wish to buy their own vehicles.

So, it's a fair game for everyone now!