Hold your horses if you're planning to head to IKEA Cheras today.

According to a Facebook post on IKEA Malaysia's page, the mall has been temporarily closed after several security guards had tested positive for COVID-19.

"Following one of our scheduled routine tests at our Cheras store, we are sad to announce we have confirmed COVID-19 positive cases involving our security guards.

"Their last working days were 23 Jan 2021. All security guards are now in self-quarantine until further notice from the authorities," they wrote.

Closed for sanitisation

They added that as a precautionary measure, the IKEA Cheras store would be closed to undergo sanitisation and full contact tracing in accordance to the Ministry of Health's (MOH) standards.

Temporarily closed.

"Our co-workers who were in close contact have already been placed on home quarantine and undergoing COVID-19 swab tests.

"Customers who have further enquiries or need more information, please call MOH’s Crisis Preparedness and Response Center’s (CPRC) hotline: 03-8881 0200/0600/0700," the statement read.

There was no mention of when the store would be reopening but it's a reminder that the virus is actively out there.

If you do not urgently need to go out, remain at home.

Remember and practice all the SOP. The only way to bring the numbers down is to work together.