While we have been constantly bombarded with negative news lately surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, something positive occurred in India.

The country’s Asiatic lion population recorded an increase by almost 29 per cent since 2015.

Whoot whoot!

Malay Mail reported that the news was shared by Indian prime minister, Narendra Modi on his Twitter account.

“Population of the majestic Asiatic Lion living in Gujarat’s Gir Forest is up by almost 29%.

“Kudos to the people of Gujarat and all those whose efforts have led to this excellent feat,” he said in the tweet.

A good indication

Amazing creature.

The report said that the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) has labeled the lion species that live in the Gir Forest National Park, Gujarat, as an endangered species.

The lion's main threat is poachers and losing their natural habitat.

In a separate statement, Modi said that the number of Asiatic lions increased to 674 as compared to five years ago where there were only 574 lions roaming the protected areas of the Gir National Park.

We hope the numbers keep climbing.

Well done India!