Ordinary is boring.

This is probably why an Indian couple decided to switch things up a little and stand out from the rest during the most important day of their lives.

Remaathi Palani and Thanaseelan Lechumanan decided to opt for a Malay-themed wedding complete with Malay attire, food and music.

A unique affair.“We have planned this wedding for a year, and we wanted it to be an unforgettable experience,” Remaathi told mStar, as quoted by Malay Mail.

Remaathi told the news portal that the one-year prep time enabled her to ensure that wedding is as authentic as possible, from the kebaya songket wedding dress to the choice of dishes served, and the songs that would be played during the ceremony.

One for the record books

Bringing a train to the party.
That's not where the uniqueness ends though.

The wedding also managed to get into the Malaysia Book of Records.

This was thanks to the bride, who wore the longest ribbon attached to her gown, measuring in at a whopping 407.7 meters.

Remaathi told the news portal that she got in touch with the officials from the Malaysia Book of Records about a year ago about her record-breaking idea, and the organisation responded well.

A certificate of recognition was handed to Remaathi on her wedding day.

Congratulations to the couple!