
Job Alert: Mr DIY Is Offering Over 1,000 Jobs At 600 Stores Nationwide

RD Minion
21:35 MYT
The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly been hard on all of us, some more than others.
If you've just lost your job (or if you want to look for a side income to help you get through this tough time, here's something that would help you out: home improvement chain Mr DIY is currently on the look out for dedicated workers.

Easy to apply

Don't wait and apply now. According to a report by Malay Mail, the chain is currently offering over 1,000 jobs at its 600 stores nationwide as well as its headquarters in Selangor.
And it's really easy to apply to: candidates must be above 18 years old and have at least a Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) certificate.
Mr DIY said in a statement cited by the news portal that the openings range from senior to middle management, as well as executive, officer and fresh graduate levels in various departments at the retailer’s headquarters.
On top of that, the company even encourages individuals with disabilities to apply.
“Mr DIY offers attractive benefits including medical coverage, staff discounts, annual increments and bonus, company trips, as well as opportunities for career growth and advancement.”
However, do note that the the job offer is not a permanent one because it is only valid for three months, for all levels from supervisors to in-house promoters.
For further details on how to apply for the jobs, visit Mr DIY’s official website or its social media pages.
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