
Man Ends Up On Motorcycle Lane After Mistakenly Selecting Wrong Mode On Waze

RD Minion
02:45 MYT
We've all accidentally taken that wrong turning before.
It's frustrating and irritating, but for one 53-year-old driver, it ended up being a whole different experince.

Just a silly mistake?

According to Malay Mail, the unfortunate driver, who was driving a black sports vehicle (SUV), ended up on the motorcycle lane after mistakenly selecting the motorcycle mode on Waze.
To make things worse, the accidental entry, which happened along the Federal Highway, was captured on video by a motorist and uploaded onto Facebook!
Eventually, some motorcyclists overtook the driver to block his path and directed him towards an exit near a bus stop along the route.

Under investigation now

The report, quoting another report by The Star, mentioned that the driver lodged a police report after the video went viral.
He is now being investigated for violating Section 79 of the Road Transport Act 1988.
Under investigation now. That act is for those who neglect traffic directions and signs, and if found guilty, the driver could be fined between RM300 to RM2,000.
The report further quoted Petaling Jaya OCPD Asst Comm Nik Ezanee Mohd Faisal as confirming that the driver was not intoxicated at the time of the incident.
So, guys always check the mode on your navigation app before starting your journey, ya.
As they say, better to be safe than sorry.
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