Remember the names Chooi Je Qin, Herman Leong Xin Yang, Ishant Shah, Carisma Michaela Wong, Lee Ee Jenn, and Alyssa Yap Xin Yi: they've officially made it even harder for you to please high acheiving parents from now on.

Expect sample conversations like "See, six Malaysians got into Harvard this year. Why you cannot?"

That said, we would like to congratulate all six students who will be part of the incoming Harvard College Class of 2026. As reported by The Star (which was updated to reflect six students).

Not to make you feel more inadequate but if you're wondering what extracurricular activites they pursued that pushed their application over the edge, Malaysian Harvard alumni and interviewer Nadiah Wan shared their exploits outside of the classroom in a Facebook post:We're tired just reading about their accomplishments, imagine the discipline they need to keep up with all of that, a social life, and studies.

They beat out 61,220 students worldwide who applied and are among only 3.19% who were accepted, or 1,953 students who have the honour of being part of the incoming Harvard College Class of 2026.