
M’sians Are Concerned That The New Tinted Window Ruling Will Cause Crime Rates To Go Up

Iylia Adreena
08:36 MYT
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M’sians Are Concerned That The New Tinted Window Ruling Will Cause Crime Rates To Go Up
Have you heard about the new ruling on tinted windscreens?
The government recently announced that vehicle owners in Malaysia are allowed to tint their rear and passenger windows as dark as they want for a fee. You can read all about it here.
The news received mixed reactions from Malaysians as some were naturally happy to have dark-tinted windows to match their souls, while others were genuinely concerned on the safety of the passengers.
Like true-blue millenials, worried citizens expressed their thoughts on social media platforms.
Some of you agree, some of you don't. Twitter user @santeira wasn’t too keen with the new ruling as she pointed out that the late Noor Suzaily, who was reportedly raped and murdered in a public bus back in 2000, was helpless as no one could see her screaming for help from the dark tinted bus.
“Kidnappings, especially of children, will be rampant. The rear (windshield) should not be fully tinted,” said Sandy Gov. And ironically, even the local police force is opposing the decision.
According to Malaysiakini, the new rule on tinted car windows will only make enforcement personnel’s job even more difficult. Not only that, they were not consulted prior to making the decision.
“I feel slighted. Ideally, they should discuss it with us, and perhaps consider our views,” Bukit Aman traffic chief Azisman Alias told the daily.
So, what do you guys think? Will you be changing your window tinting soon or do you think the ministry should reconsider this new ruling?
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