
Najib Slapped With Fine For Not Scanning MySejahtera, Chicken Rice Shop Compounded Too

Iylia Adreena
05:22 MYT
In March, former premiere Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak became the talk of the town after a clip of him dining at the Chee Meng Chicken Rice shop in Bukit Bintang went viral.
Najib arrived at the eatery with his entourage and immediately went in without checking in with the MySejahtera app.
This caused anger among netizens and the police have opened an investigation paper against the Pekan MP.

You get a fine, everyone gets a fine

According to The Star, the investigations have concluded and Najib will be compounded RM3,000 while the chicken shop manager will be slapped with a RM10,000 fine for failing to instruct him to scan his MySejahtera app.
Dang Wangi OCPD Asst Comm Mohamad Zainal Abdullah said the Attorney Generals Chambers had returned the investigation papers for the case, which occurred at a chicken rice shop in Bukit Bintang here on 19 March.
"Yeok Wei Hao, manager of Restoran Nasi Ayam Hainan Chee Meng, will be issued a RM10,000 compound for failing to instruct Najib to scan the MySejahtera QR code or logging his entry before entering the restaurant.
"Najib will be issued two RM1,500 compounds for failing to record his temperature as well as failing to register his entry to the restaurant," he said in a statement on Thursday (May 6).
Mohammad Zainal added that both of them broke Rule 19 of the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Regulations.
In March, Najib admitted to the offence after going viral and said that he’s willing to pay any fine issued to him.
Recently, he responded news of his fine in a Facebook post, wondering if other ministers who flouted SOPs would be fined like him too.
Selepas saya mengaku salah, saya dikompaun RM3k sebab melakukan dua kesalahan langgar SOP Covid: - tidak imbas suhu...Posted by Najib Razak on Thursday, 6 May 2021
Do you think those ministers and the ‘golongan kayangan’ will be fined for breaching COVID-19 SOPs?
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