The Pope meets people from all walks of life during his general audiences.

Last Wednesday, however, one individual stood out like a sore thumb.

Dressed in a skin-tight red and blue suit, the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man appeared.

I spy with my little eyes.

Just waiting to meet the pope.
A man dressed in the full Spider-Man costume was seen sitting at the VIP section of the audience at the Vatican’s San Damaso Courtyard.

Swung by following formal invitation

Hmmmm, what should I say to the pope?
According to a report by Reuters, the man behind the mask was actually 27-year-old Mattia Villardita.

Mattia was given a place at the VIP section in recognition of his work with kids.

He dresses up in superhero costumes and visits sick children at hospitals to liven up their spirits.

Hey P, you can call me Spidey.

It gets slightly uncomfortable at times but the kids love the mask!
According to the report, Mattia also got an audience with the pope and he even gave him a Spider-Man mask.

Unfortunately, Pope Francis did not try it on. Now, that would have been quite a sight, right?

Thank you Mattia for all that you do.