
Prime Minister Tun M Made Time's '100 Most Influential People 2019' List

09:07 MYT
Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has been listed in 'Time's 100 Most Influential People 2019' list.
Anyone who kept up with politics when Tun M was first the prime minister from 1981 till 2003 will know that whatever his flaws may be, he's highly-regarded as a visionary, and has the gut as well as grit needed to make his visions come true (mostly lah).
Last year, he proved that age is just a number when he joined forces with his former deputy turned foe turned...well, we dont know what they are now, to topple the then-government led by Barisan Nasional.
This 93-year-old man has more energy than most quarter his age He then shocked the nation when he came out of retirement to take up the challenge of rebuilding the nation as the seventh Prime Minister - 15 years since he vacated the post.
Sarawak Report's Clare Rewcastle Brown wrote the profile summary for Tun M, saying that one does not have to be young to fight.
"Take Dr Mahathir, the former Malaysian prime minister who came out of retirement last year to lambast his former successor Najib Razak, who is accused of embezzling millions of dollars from the 1MDB fund," she wrote.
Since being sworn in as the Prime Minister, Tun M has shown more energy than most of us, but we hope he achieves whatever it is that got him out of retirement soon because he definitely needs a rest.
Tun M is not the only Malaysian to make Time's most influential list since it started publishing it in 2004.
It's no surprise that AirAsia CEO Tan Sri Anthony Fernandes, or better known as Tony Fernandes, was named one of the most influential people in the world with all the success he's achieved with the airlines.
AirAsia is the most popular low cost airline out there He was given the honour in 2015 and his entry in the magazine was written by none other than his friend and founder of Virgin Group Richard Branson.
Long before either of the men were named in the magazine, former Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim found himself as one of the world's most influential people.
Will he be our next prime minister? This was about 10 years after his initial arrest and the start of the reformasi movement and when Pakatan Harapan was something that nobody could have imagined happening.
There are so many other Malaysians achieving great things out there and we hope more will make it into such lists, because Malaysia Boleh!
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