Have you ever logged on to a government site (usually to pay your taxes or maybe settle an outstanding saman) only to find out that you've forgotten your password?

Annoying kan?

Well, for Singaporeans, this is no longer an issue because all government services can be accessed using facial recognition.

Just show me your face.
Using facial recognition in this manner is deemed to be a world first.

You face can unlock over 400 online services

According to a report in AFP-Relaxnews, the technology is made possible through the city-state's SingPass digital identity scheme that has 400 online services, including making tax declarations.

Photos or videos won't cut it.
Called, SingPass Face Verification, it allows users to connect securely to government websites, as well as online services on private websites via home computers, tablets, mobile phones and public kiosks.

As for safety concerns, the report said the tech ensures that the person using the service is genuinely present in front of their screens.

Photographs, a video, a replayed recording or even a deepfake video will not activate the service.


Can we have something similar in Malaysia too, please?