
Sensitive Malaysian Navy Record May Have Been Leaked On The Dark Web, Report Claims

RD Minion
08:16 MYT
It's often noted that the Dark Web is a favourite destination for criminals and regular (kinda more IT-savvy) people who don't want their digital footprint to be tracked.
As such, it's also the place you'd probably go if you want to share, buy or sell sensitive and illegal things...such as hacked documents belonging to the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN).

Senstive documents hacked?

Oh no! According to a report by Singapore Straits Times, defense-related documents from several countries including Malaysia, the United States of America and Nigeria have been stolen and leaked on the Dark Web.
The report claims that the information from the Malaysian Navy was obtained through the hacking of several officials' emails.
The details of the emails includes the number of troops at naval and army bases during the holidays last year; particulars of naval officers who have gotten into trouble for corruption, drugs and other offences; the radar and equipment detail of a US Naval ship that docked in Sabah last year and more.
ST claims that it does not know if the information was for sale or was shared for other purposes.
However, the report stated that the RMN was aware of the situation.
If you're worried, apparently you don't have to be.
According to the same report, these kind of information are often put up on the Dark Web for sale and bought using bitcoin to keep the identities of those involved protected.
However, while the incidents are "shocking" they are not uncommon.
Guess those in the defence line would know what's what and handle such incidents. Let's just keep our fingers crossed and hope all will be well.
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