If you've always wanted a pet, would you consider getting a crow?

Not likely, right?

Well, one Singaporean, Shafiq Kamis did.

According to a report by Mothership Singapore, the 39-year-old said he first got Irie (that's the name of his burung gagak) as a four-month-old fledgeling from a friend.

The bird quickly got attached to him and would always turn up at Shafiq's home despite numerous attempts to release it.

"I told myself that I'm gonna care for him since he showed me [so much] loyalty," he said.

A free bird

Now, Irie lives with Shafiq, but flies in and out whenever he wants but always comes back before it gets too dark.

Shafiq shared that Irie's favorite food was fish, vegetables, and fried eggs.

Putting his rare pet to good use, Syafiq also taught it some tricks including how to hunt for coins, play fetch and "hide-and-seek".

Shafiq, who has his own Youtube channel, often shares videos of bird training sessions featuring Irie as well as two of his pet macaws, Rio and Kyojin.

Guess not all crows are alike!