We were so close, yet so far!

If your dream was to enroll into Harvard, we're sorry to say that you would still need to fly to Boston.

After reports emerged earlier this week speculating that Harvard Business School, one of the world's top business schools, will open a campus in Malaysia, they have swiftly thrown a bucket of ice cold water at the dreams of young Malaysians wanting to be the next Bill Gates.

According to a report by The Malaysian Reserve, the school has denied reports saying that they plan to set up their third overseas campus on Malaysian soil.

Its chief marketing and communications officer, Brian C Kenny, told the news portal that it has only one programme in Malaysia: the “HBS Malaysia Competing on Business Analytics and Big Data” programme.

The programme is carried out with the Center of Applied Data Science (The CADS) in Kuala Lumpur.

However, Kenny did mention that the CADS has plans to enter an agreement with Harvard's digital platform HBX to launch the HBX Credential of Readiness (CORe) programme, which will reportedly be made available for Malaysians and ASEAN students.

Although we won't be getting a Harvard Business School campus in Malaysia -- their two overseas campusses are in Shanghai and Mumbai, in case you were wondering -- at least we still have Harvard-approved courses here.

It's something, right?