For most furparents, if we had it our way, we'd probably bring our four-legged bestie everywhere!

But understanding sensitivities in Malaysia, dog dates are quite rare and only if it is a pet-friendly joint.

Well, the good news is that there is now a new place where you can hang out with your doggo.

It's at Starbucks Jaya One!

A pet-friendly spot.
The pet-friendly outlet has actually started serving Puppucinos for your pooches.

What's a Puppucino?

While it sounds quite the atas, Puppucinos are actually just low-fat, sugar-free whipped cream that's served in coffee free.

Order one for RM7 (we know, slightly mahal but once in a while can lah) and it will be served in a Starbucks cup for easy licking.

A post shared by Hazel Boggs (@hazelboggsgolden)

A post shared by The Pets World XT (@thepetsworldxt_xuantan)

For those of you who don't know, The Square by Jaya One is actually Malaysia's first pet-friendly mall.

There are also a few restaurants that will welcome your pet with a smile.

Other amenities include a pet restroom and even a Pet Marshall who's there to ensure that you follow the regulations - especially hygiene-related ones.

So, now you know what to do with your pet this weekend. Have fun!