Here's a not-so-fun fact: did you guys know that there are likely more bacteria on elevator buttons than toilet surfaces?

Yep, elevator buttons are filthy af, and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is making them extra yucky.

A mall in Thailand managed to negate the health risk with a totally outside-the-box idea: by installing foot pedals in their elevators.

Use your feet to control the elevator

So clever, we love it!
The Seacon Square shopping mall on Bangkok's Srinakarin Road has won praises from netizens all around the world for employing a series of effective COVID-19 preventive measures.

The standout measure was, of course, installing foot-operated lift pedals in all of their elevators.

According to a report by The Straits Times, the pedals work exactly like your usual elevator buttons: users can select the floor they want to go to and close/open the door by stepping on the pedals.

Pretty cool, right?

You can summon the elevator using a pedal too.
Besides their foot-operated elevator pedals, Seacon Square also upped the security measures all around the mall, including having thermo-scanning checkpoints and painting guidelines on the floor in crowded areas to help shoppers practice social distancing.

In a Facebook post, Seacon Square hoped that their innovative preventive measures would inspire other shopping malls to do the same to curb the spread of the deadly virus.

Shopping malls in Thailand were allowed to open last Sunday (17 May) since the nationwide lockdown began in March.

As Malaysian malls are slowly starting to resume business, we hope they could take a page out of Seacon Square's playbook in implenting some of their preventive measures.