It looks like we're not getting a break anytime soon.

Just as it seems like we're beating the COVID-19 pandemic, local authorities have revealed that we might have a new pandemic to deal with soon.

Help us, please!

Under control for now

According to New Straits Times, the Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) has detected seropositive samples of the Swine Influenza H1N1 (SIV H1N1) virus, or more commonly known as the swine flu, in commercial livestock and wild boars in Malaysia.

The samples were reportedly discovered via the national surveillance programme.

However, things are currently under control, as the DVS confirmed that the seropositive pig breeds in Malaysia show no symptoms of the disease, and they are not at risk of spreading the infection to humans.

On top of that, the Agriculture and Food Industries Ministry (MAFI) have taken extreme measures to prevent the disease from entering the country such as placing restrictions on the importation of pigs and pig products from infected and at-risk countries.

How to stay safe

Despite the reassurance from the authorities, it is always important to keep an eye out on the symptoms.

Like other flu strains, the H1N1 is highly contagious, and it transfers very quickly from person to person.

And just like the other flu strains, the virus is transmitted through sneezing or coughing, or touching a germ-covered surface and then touching their eyes or nose.

Adults over the age of 65 years old, or those with compromised immune systems and people with chronic illnesses, are more susceptible to the disease.

The symptoms include:

So guys, it's the same message: do practice good hygiene and stay safe, yeah?