
[VIDEO] Huge Crowd Spotted At KLCC Trying To Pay JPJ Summons, Raises Concern Of Another COVID-19 Cluster

RD Minion
23:59 MYT
Earlier this week, the Road Transport Department (JPJ) announced that they will be offering an 80 percent discount from 9 to 12 December for outstanding summons.
Naturally, that prompted Malaysians to immediately rush online to settle their summons, but this being Malaysia, JPJ's mySIKAP system broke down on Thursday (9 December) afternoon due to the sudden surge of traffic.
Faced with no other choice, desperate Malaysians were forced to head to the nearest JPJ counters or kiosk to pay their summons in person - and that's where the problem started.

People mountain, people sea

Several videos showing a large crowd overpopulating the JPJ counter at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Center have gone viral on social media.
The videos, uploaded onto Twitter by user @HarizMohdWrites, show hundreds of Malaysians standing shoulder-to-shoulder in the hallway of the convention center with no space left for physical distancing:
Are we not facing Delta and Omicron now?
@Khairykj @KKMPutrajaya— Hariz Mohd (@HarizMohdWrites) December 9, 2021
Next tweet will show inside the hall/exhibition area.— Hariz Mohd (@HarizMohdWrites) December 9, 2021 @HarizMohdWrites then shared another video of the situation inside the exhibition hall, and somehow, it's even worse: Another Twitter user by the name of @Miss_Netto corroborated @HarizMohdWrites' claims, sharing another video of the mayhem at the convention center: We don't know about you, but we feel like we can't breathe just looking at the videos.
However, we do also have to note that not every one thronging KLCC were there to pay their JPJ summonses, because at the same time, the government's 'Program 100 Hari Aspirasi Keluarga Malaysia' campaign was taking place in the same venue.
But still, facing the threat of a more transmissible COVID-19 variant, we don't think it's the right time to organise a mass event.

Huge crowd raises concern

Naturally, netizens were stunned after watching the videos, with many raising concerns of another COVID-19 cluster.
Many remarked that the huge crowd, plus no physcial distancing, is just a disaster waiting to happen: Interestingly, another Twitter user who goes by the handle @kewsicheng90 shared an image of a long queue outside a police station at Jalan Tun HS Lee. Sigh, let's hope that there's no Kluster Bayar Saman JPJ coming out of this. We really, really, really do not want to spend another day under lockdown.
MAIN IMAGE CREDIT: Twitter/@HarizMohdWrites
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