With everything that's been going on with the world lately, we are in dire need of some heartwarming stories.

Thankfully, we have one to brighten up your day.

A 'daring' rescue

The poor mom dog.
A man in Petaling Jaya has now become an internet hero after he went out of his way to help a puppy that fell into a monsoon drain.

The man, known only as Arif Fiego, recounted that he and his wife saw a dog standing next to a monsoon drain, whining and calling for help.

When he got closer to the dog, he realised that she was looking at her newborn pup which had fell into the drain.

“Initially, we saw a dog was standing next to the drain and whining. A closer inspection found that there was a puppy inside the drain. The puppy was a newborn as its eyes had yet to open,” Arif wrote on his Facebook page.

Operation rescue puppy.
Arif and his friend then sprung into action, going down on all fours and using a dustpan to scoop the poor pup out of the drain.

He managed to get the puppy out onto the dry land, before placing it back into the dustpan to let its mother take it away.

A two-minute video of the dramatic rescue was also posted on his Facebook page:

Netizens have been showering Arif with praises, all thanking him for saving the little pup.

God bless your kind soul, Arif! We definitely need more people like you.