What would you do if you were in the kitchen busy prepping for a meal and a slab of raw meat started to throb and twitch?!

Sounds like something from a nightmare but this actually happened to a family from Pahang recently.

Posting a video of the creepy moving meat, Twitter user @tterororo wrote: "Guys, why is this sacrificial meat (daging korban) moving? My mom does not want to cook it because she's afraid of it".

When contacted by Rojak Daily, @tterororo (she preferred for us to use her Twitter handle instead of her real name) said that it was definitely unexpected.

The family had just gotten the meat from a nearby mosque during the Hari Raya Haji celebrations and never ever expected to see such a thing.

A sign of freshness

The tweet, which included a video, went viral with many netizens explaining that the movement was a sign that the meat was extremely fresh.

Not an unusual occurance

@tterororo told us that her mother eventually placed the moving meat into the freezer and it stopped pulsating.

"We still did not eat it though. We just couldn't," she laughed.

We absolutely understand because looking at the video again, we don't think we would eat it either! Just tak boleh lah.

Would you have eaten it?