[VIDEO] Thousands Of Baby Turtles Emerge In Daylight And Make Their Way Back To The Sea In India
We've been seeing a lot of videos or photos of animals in the news lately.
They seem to be roaming around freely due to the fact that most humans are on lockdown around the world.
The most recent videos are a joyous sight featuring thousands of newly hatched baby Olive Ridley sea turtles moving from the beach to the sea in India.
A sight that casts magical spell year after year?Nearly 2 crore plus olive Ridley hatchlings have emerged & made their way to sea from half of about 4 lakh nesting at Nasi-2 islands, Gahirmatha rookery Odisha.The spectacle continues. Early morning video.— Susanta Nanda IFS (@susantananda3) May 8, 2020
Something to cheer.Mass nesting by olive Ridley #turtles is one the #nature's amazing extravaganza. Millions come back to coasts & nest in group, as a protective measure. See it has started on Odisha coast today. The location is being protected by FD. via @susantananda3 sir.— Parveen Kaswan, IFS (@ParveenKaswan) March 15, 2020
#WATCH Hundreds of Olive Ridley turtles make their way to the sea after hatching from their nests buried in sand at Odisha’s Rushikulya beach today.— ANI (@ANI) May 10, 2020
They usually wait until night
According to, the last time the sea turtles were seen crossing the sand in this manner was about seven years ago.“The last time we saw daytime nesting of olive ridleys along this site was in 2013"
“Usually, they come on to the beach for nesting only during the night.” said Amlan Nayak, a local forest officer.
Officials believe that the turtles could have appeared in the day this year due to a lack of human activity on the beaches there.

Olive Ridley turtles are a type of sea turtle that lays their eggs in the winter or early spring.
The species is classified as endangered in Mexico and populations are threatened worldwide as well.
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