Now that we are in the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) phase, we are pretty sure that you're itching to go travel again.

In case you're really thinking of travelling outside the country, just make sure to leave some money for when you get home - because you will now have to pay for your own COVID-19 test.

Government no longer subsidising

Malaysian will now have to pay up to RM150 to get tested for COVID-19.

Don't be alarmed though, the new ruling only applies to Malaysians and foreigners entering the country.

Tests will still be conducted for free for local cases if and when it is necessary, just like it has been done since the beginning of the pandemic.

According to a Malay Mail report, Malaysians returning to the country will have to pay a fee between RM30 and RM150, while foreginers will have to pay a higher fee which will depend on the tests conducted.

It's still not crazy expensive lah

Just prepare about RM150 when you enter the country
Malaysians will have to pay RM30 for the antibody rapid test kit; RM60 for the antigen rapid test kit and RM150 for the polymerase chain reaction test kit.
For non-Malaysians, the fee is double of what a local will have to pay.

Everyone who is entering the country, regardless of their citizenship status, will have to go through a COVID-19 clearance test before going through the immigration process.

This should be followed by a 14-day self-quarantine at home.

There are exceptions, though

Security Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said the people from three categories are exempted from paying the fee.

Those exempted are the disabled people with a disability card, government servants who left the country for official reasons and students who are returning to Malaysia for the first time.

If you fall into any of the categories, prepare relevant documents to support your claims.

As the decision to exempt some from having to pay the fee was only decided today (29 June), there is a chance that you have already paid the fee if you just arrived in the country.

If that is the case, you can apply for a refund.

Even if haven't left the country but wish to get tested for some reason, you can also do so at any government hospitals for the same fee.

This new regulation is gazetted under the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Fee for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Detection Test) Regulations 2020 and is effective from 29 June 2020.

Those undergoing home quarantine are also encouraged to download the MySejahtera App to help them monitor their symptoms, get relevant information about COVID-19 and help the government keep track of their health.

So far, five million people around the country have downloaded the app, and the government is encouraging more to get the app.