It's scary how easily child sexual abuse images and videos can be found on the internet with just a few keywords typed in search engines.

While child sexual abuse has been an issue for a very long time, the internet has made it a lot easier for sick minds to look for materials and re-victimise the children time and again; every time the images or videos are viewed and shared.

Now, you can help get these images and videos removed from the net with just a lick of the button.

Not a victimless crime

UK-based Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and Childline Foundation Malaysia have launched a portal where Malaysians who come across such images and videos can report them so the materials can be removed.

Once you've submitted the links or images, experts from IWF will then analyse the materials. If found to contain child sexual abuse, the images or videos will be blocked and removed from the internet.

IWF chief executive Susie Hargreaves, in a press release shared on the organisation's website, said that reporting the images will make it easier for them to find and begin working on removing the materials.

"We know viewing images and videos of child sexual abuse is not a victimless crime. Some of the worst abuse is perpetrated against children because there is demand from an online audience of predators to see this criminal material.

There are sick people in this world
"Each image is a crime scene, and it has been known for our analysts to be able to find and identify victims and to alert the police so children can be rescued from abusive environments and safeguarded to prevent them being abused again," she said.

IWF's international development manager Jenny Thornton said that removing the videos and photos prevents the continued sharing of the material, preventing revictimisation of the children who have suffered sexual abuse.

"It can be very difficult for victims, even ones who have been removed from harm, to move on from their abuse because they know the videos and images are still in circulation. This can be very damaging and can make children victims all over again.

"Removing the videos and images also stops people accidentally stumbling across them online. We are talking about some of the most serious images of child sexual abuse, and this could be very disturbing or upsetting for people if they were to see it by mistake.

"Getting it off the internet makes it safer for everyone to be online," she said in the statement.

The new portal is available in Bahasa Malaysia and English. If you stumble across images or videos of child sexual abuse, you can report it here.

Let's do our part to help make the world a safer place for children, OK?