You know when you see people throwing rubbish where they shouldn't, park in OKU parking or just generally act like they are above the law?

It's super irritating to watch these people walk around as if they haven't done anything wrong, so a viral video that shows enforcement officers using loudspeakers to call out these kind of people just warmed our cold hearts.

Well, for a moment at least.

Big Brother is watching

To be honest, it is a little creepy to realise that the government has a close eye on you but when it comes to public places, perhaps it's not so bad.

A video uploaded by NuR MuhD on YouTube shows enforcement officers with several local councils including the Subang Jaya City Council and Seberang Perai City Council watching the streets on CCTV and calling out people who break the law.

In the first two clips in the compilation video, you can hear an officer asking a red car to move from OKU parking, where the car was parked or face legal action.

In the second clip, a motorcycle was seen parking at the same OKU parking located outside a bank and was told off in a similar fashion.

Littering not tolerated

Parking offences aren't the only ones being called out.

In the last clip -- perhaps the funniest of the lot -- a man is seen getting out of a red Proton Wira at a rubbish disposal site and throwing his rubbish outside the bins (like, why?).

As he was about to leave, a voice is then heard asking the man to throw the rubbish where it belongs as he was breaking the law.

"Attention to the driver of the red Proton Wira with the license plated number [inaudible]. You've disposed of your rubbish outside the MBSP trash bin. You are advised to pick it up and dispose it inside the trash bin.

"If you refuse to do so, action will be taken against you. Thank you," the officer can be heard saying in the clip.


The man, probably caught by surprise, immediately picked up his trash and dispose of it - properly this time.

Ahh, who else feels a sense of satisfaction watching the clip?

The next time you think "Alah, kejap je" or "takepe lah. Semua orang pun buat" when breaking the law, think again as you may just be publicly embarrassed or even fined.