#GempakSpot: Man Shares Picture Of His Youthful Mom On Social Media, Netizens Go Crazy
If you take a photo with your mum, people will probably know that she’s your mum, or at the very least, mistake her as your sister.
Very seldom, people will mistake your mom for your girlfriend.
However, when this Facebook user, who has more than 4,000 followers, posted a photo of him with his mom, the internet went berserk.
This is because Jonathan Nguyen’s mother appears to be as young as himself, with the good looks to boost:

His caption for the photo read, “Having a young Asian mom is great until you see someone your age shooting their shot at her.”
The post gained nearly 14,000 'likes' and over 4,000 shares on Facebook, with many demanding the secret to her mom's youthful looks.
The 22-year-old told Daily Mail Australia that his mom is in her 40s, and he credits daily exercise and a strict Keto diet.
"Her secret to not aging is dieting and exercising. She also has a skin care routine that I'm not too aware of," he was quoted as saying.

After the post went viral on social media, Netizens were quick to heap praises on Nguyen's mom:

Of course, you don't expect people to not "shoot their shot" at his mom, do you?

We don't know about you, but we feel that it must be pretty stressful dealing with the all the attention given to his mom.
But hey, at least his mom's now famous, right?
Kredit Gambar: Rojak Daily
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