Forza Horizon 5 heads for the diverse terrain of Mexico together with a confirmed release date that’s just in time for Christmas.

Bumping it up more than just a single level, the latest installation in the open-world racing franchise looks set to bring absurd graphics to the massive environmentally diverse scale of Mexico’s landscape with an equal focus on supercars as there will be on riding sand dunes.

The trailer shows thick jungles, vast open deserts, an active volcano that developers; Playground Games, claim is the highest point in a Horizon map so far and an actual recreation of the real Mexican sky captured in 12k resolution.

They’ve even confirmed that Horizon 5 will boast the largest and most diverse map in the franchise’s history, so there’ll be plenty to explore. Speaking of explore, the Horizon 5 will carry a new exploration-first campaign mode alongside the expanded arcade gameplay option that has Mario Kart-like mini races.

Although the machinery are the stars of this game; just like us, you’ll probably find it difficult to get over the painstakingly detailed graphics. All this is courtesy of a new generation of gaming consoles released last year.

Although Mexican weather is a little more predictable than the temperamental climate of England; the scene for Horizon 4, Playground Games assures that the weather cycle that’s a signature of the franchise will carry over to Horizon 5 with dynamic seasons resetting weekly and the promise of a “no two seasons will ever be the same.”

Forza Horizon 5 will be released on 9 November 2021 and as always, will be exclusive to both Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S consoles as well as PC.

Fans of the more focused Forza Motorsports series will be glad to know that Turn 10 Studios are working on the next edition of that title.