
Acer Announces a Work Exercise Bike That Charges Your Laptop and Your Phone… Wait, What?

Marcus Lee
02:34 MYT
Announced at CES 2023, the eKinekt BD 3 is a work desk and exercise bike monstrosity hybrid that lets you stay active in the middle of your office while also saving electricity by making you work for your electric charge.
Based on the press release, a leisurely cycle session at 60rpm for one hour generates about 75 watts of electricity. For reference, an average phone with a 3,000 mAh battery requires 15 watts to fully charge. For those of us non-spin class regulars, 60rpm is supposed to be an easy pace for beginners.
The bike comes in two configurations, one for work where you'll be able to sit upright to type or take a call and one where you can lean forward and really push the level of personal boundaries people have at the work place. All your huffing and puffing results in electric that's pushed out through 2 USB-A ports and 1 USB-C port to your electronic devices.
It is at once a confounding and brilliant device all in one. We suspect the average worker bee won't be fitting this in between long tables at the office so it will be the WFH people or that boss you know who encourages everyone to take the stairs instead of the lift.
At the low, low price of USD999 (RM4,400) you too can have the privilege of sweating at work. Watch the full Acer CES presentation here.
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