Award-winning Malaysian Whiskey 'Timah' Launched Officially
Remember the Malaysian made whiskey that won international awards in 2020? We're talking about 'Timah' which won silver medals in both the International Spirits Challenge 2020 (ISC) and the Annual San Francisco World Spirits Competition 2020 (SFWSC). In ISC, TIMAH competed against over 70 countries and in SFWSC, it was marked by the judges as “an outstanding spirit that displays refinement, finesse and complexity”.
This year the whisky also won gold for the ‘Best Malaysian Whisky’ award at the International Whisky Competition 2021. The International Whisky Competition is the world’s most-followed whisky competition, reaching communities on various social media channels. Malaysian Whisky hadn’t been a category in competitions prior.
The whiskey officially launched recently, where viewers who watched the event via Facebook learnt more about the history of Timah as well as learnt to make cocktails using the drink. The tutorial was done by Youtuber 'Whiskey Folks'.
Officially launched

Directors of Winepak Corporation, the firm that founded and produced Timah, Gilbert Yeo and Kenny Yeo officiated the event.
"I’m proud and thankful to share that TIMAH our award-winning signature whiskey, and our other brands have been widely accepted and desired by both local and international markets.
"The continuous support of our consumers and partners means the world to us, and I look forward to continue receiving the endless support from each and every one of you," Gilbert said.
If you'd like to know what makes Timah so great that it has won so many awards, you can now find out for yourself.
Place your orders here and get 'em delivered to your doorsteps.
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