
How Malaysians Can Apply for an International Driving Permit

Alicia Corbett
00:51 MYT
After facing multiple lockdowns, Malaysians are now flying to all four corners of the globe. While there are the options of using public transport or hailing a taxi, there’s nothing quite like renting a car and going off the beaten track to feel the wind on your face and really take in the stunning scenery.
While Malaysians don’t have to apply for an International Driving Permit in ASEAN countries such as Singapore or if you’re in Australia for a holiday, you will need one in places such as the USA and South Korea.
For instance, for this writer personally, public transportation can be tricky in Jeju island and it can be easier to rent a car, and more economical especially if you’re travelling in a group.
Also, imagine being caught driving illegally in a foreign country, especially if you *touch wood* find yourself in a car accident. You don’t want to end up in jail because you tried to bribe a police officer.
malaysia international driving permit
The process of getting your IDP is pretty easy and affordable at RM150 per year. Here’s what to do.
Note: It is advisable to carry your original driving licence along with your IDP when you drive overseas.
  • Valid driving licence, Class B2 or D
  • Licence has to be valid for a year
  • Owners cannot be blacklisted
  • If you are still holding a Probationary Driving Licence (PDL), you are not allowed to get an IDP.
  • Doesn’t apply for foreigners living in Malaysia as JPJ offices only can proceed with the IDP for driving licences issued by them.
What you willl need:
  • One photocopy of the licence above (Both sides)
  • Identity Card, original and 1 photocopied set (Both sides)
  • 2 passport sized photographs
  • Completed JPJ L1 Form
  • Payment of RM150 per year
Where to get your international driving permit
Make sure to do a search on their operation hours before heading there, but here’s where you can get it:
  • Road Transport Department Malaysia (JPJ) branches
  • JPJ at Urban Transformation Center (UTC)
  • Automobile Association of Malaysia (AAM) offices
List of Countries Where Your IDP Can Be Used
countries where Malaysian international driving permit can be used

It’s that easy, have fun on your travels!

If you need insipration for where to go, checkout 5 Malaysian restaurants making it big in Australia.

Image source:,,

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