How Well Do You Know Your Kuih Raya?
OMG can you believe it? We’ve been fasting for a month already. Seems like it was only yesterday we heard the Anak Bulan announcement on TV and were a little bummed out because our Prime Minister just extended the MCO to May 12th. How time flies..
Raya is not an excuse to reach out to your useless ex okay. DON’T DO IT! Instead, try your hand at this Kuih Raya quiz and see how many questions you could get right.
Food really connects us together, and what a somber moment it is for us all to not be able to have our mother’s or grandmother’s Kuih Raya, Ketupat and Lemang this year. But hey, on the bright side at least you could avoid that sudden gain weight on the first day of Raya from all that over-eating.
Besides, imagine all the “Bila nak kahwin? And “Course apa tu?” questions that you could deflect all thanks to this MCO. You can finally celebrate Raya in peace!