If you're a parent who's been working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, these last few months must have been pretty tough.

Trying to concentrate during those online meetings while layaning bored kids who are stuck at home cannot be easy.

And when you have no choice but to leave your kids alone for a bit, they often end up doing the most unbelievably mischievous things!

Providing an outlet for parents, Facebook page 'Anak Sepahkan Apa Hari Ini?' or roughly translated to "What Mess Has Your Child Made Today" contains a hilarious compilation of pictures, videos and posts from parents on their nakal kids.

Aimed at helping parents

Aimed at helping parents.

Page founder Maryam Jamadi who is also a Pediatric Occupational Therapist said that she initially planned on setting up a page for her followers but decided to put up a general one instead.

"Usually people prefer to share the sweet moments with their adorable, cute and smart kids but very rarely do people share the dark side and challenges parents face which is actually 100% normal especially with growing kids," said Maryam when speaking to Rojak Daily.

Maryam said that the page was set up on August 8 and already had 40,000 over followers.

"The reason I set this page up is to celebrate the mess kids make and also allow people to learn and accept that play is part of what kids do," she said.

She also said that the page was a space for parents to speak about their feeling and share opinions with each other.

"A lot of parents suppress their feelings and don't know where to let it out as they are afraid that it would be viewed negatively by other people."

"With the formation of this page, I hope that it can reduce their stress, especially when faced with active, playful children," she said.

We love the whole concept and we just could not help but laugh at some of the antics that kids got up to when their parents were slightly distracted.

Here are some of posts we love:

1. The snow queens

Let it snow!

2. The hairstyle superstars

Razor sharp cut!

Sonic booooom!
3. The face painter

Red, red is all that we need.

4. The mad for mud gang

Hakuna matata!

5. The "It looks like me but it's not me" kind

Who did this?

6. The expressionist

I call it nappy love.

7. The animal lover

Caged up!

8. The nature lovers

Rain, rain, don't go away!

Do you have kids?

What adventures did you have with them during this pandemic?

Share with us a story, a picture or even a video in the comments.