We, millennials are those who were born between the early 80s and the late 90s. So, if you happen to fall within this category, then congratulations my friend; you belong to the "Gen Y" or "Generation Me" group.

Gen Y's are more confident, outspoken, entitled and more miserable than any of the generations before and after them. Blink blink. Say what? Yes, that's right folks, millennials are facing more pressure than ever before. But where the heck does the pressure come from?

For one, there is the pressure of 'ka-ching!' Money! Not only do they have to fight tooth and nail for jobs that pay peanuts, they also have to pay off their student loans, car loans, housing loans and help support the family. Phew!

Then there's the pressure of moving up the career path. Millennials are burned out from working all the time, clocking day in and day out, wondering if they had chosen the wrong course in university. And while they drag themselves through their jobs, they wonder if they had chosen the wrong jobs too.

These poor souls also have to put up with naggings from their moms, dads, aunties, uncles, atuks, and ahmas. Who hasn't heard of, "Ah boy ah, when are you going to get married ah? Your neighbor xxx is already a father of 2 you know", or "Yang, look at your cousin, she already has a house in Bangsar, and she's 5 years younger than you”. All these innocent advices only lead to more anxiety, pressure, and depression.

And worst of all? Social media. People use social media to post their accomplishments, seldom their failures. And millennials who have access to the internet 24/7 will feel down seeing all the branded clothes, the latest phones, and cool cars that their friends seemingly own and wonder, "Sob! Why can't WE have them?"

Astro "Hello I Have Issues" discusses and shares advice on how you can handle the mounting stress that millennials constantly face. So if you are feeling down, follow us on HelloCentral.Today or Astro Hello (Channel 110). A little talking can go a long way.