Familiar with the thought, “OMG, the year is going by so fast! What have I achieved so far?” Come on guys! This phrase is a millennial classic.

Try asking yourself this question. When was the last time you were so determined to hold a pen and a paper or to even login to your notepad app to draft down your “TO-BE ACCOMPLISHED” list for the year?…I know, right. Rarely people do this anymore. I’m sure we millennials have done this before over the influence of the previous generation but over the years, it just backfired!


So, this is the mindset of today’s generation. Some will even say that listing down their new year resolutions is ineffective and a waste of time, why consider doing it? Out of the many people there is, some of you may be sceptical about the idea. However, considering this way of thinking doesn’t make a person aimless and unable to make an achievement. THAT’S A MYTH!

The world is evolving so fast that it’s hard to keep up with all the influences that millennials adapt to. A really good example would be the LIVE IN THE MOMENT influence. There are so many stories brought up by social media and the mass media implying the fact that life is too short for a lot of things. Hmmm…I think we can all agree how cliché that already sounds.

You guys must already be thinking that this is starting to sound like one of those motivating, self-esteem boosting TED Talks. Well, we hope this session benefits you.


Anyway, in context with the subject we’re on, here's why millennials have made a habit out of unlisted achievements.

First of all, NO PRESSURE! Yeah you heard it…

In case you didn’t notice, millennials are the least of an expert in handling pressure, not all of course. Particularly, if you’re someone living in a fast-paced environment you’ll probably have “making through the day” as your highest accomplishment.


Don’t judge just yet…we are not denying the essentials of planning ahead and setting goals because there is indeed a fine line between responsibilities and accomplishments. Try making sense of this…when you’re passionate about something, it becomes more attainable since it was never a burden to you in the first place!

So, here comes the next reason why. NO TRACK OF TIME!

With life accomplishments, the beginning steps create excitement and we tend to get carried away in setting unreasonable goals. Heck, almost impossible! When the ticking of the clock gets louder, the often choice made is pretend it never happened and sadly, give up.


In contrast to that, being unaware of time and not setting a time frame often referring to big achievements can produce the best results. Take note, this possibly is also accompanied by the commitment placed upon the chosen accomplishment. Check out these great accomplishments by committed people!

All said above must be a lot of information for your brain to digest. So, here’s a quick summary. Millennials tend to take a different approach so that it would be relevant, fulfilling, effective and efficient in making their personal accomplishments. Hence, that’s why it’s cultivated into a habit.

If you feel that through this discussion millennials are often misunderstood, check out this episode of Hello I Have Issues where they will be discussing about millennial myths you may or may not come across.