
3 Rare Astronomical Phenomena That Will Be Happening On 28 July

Nicholas Chow
02:51 MYT

Are you ready for a sky show unlike any other?

If you have a quota of looking up at the sky just once every month, make it on 28 July this month.
That's because you will be treated to a very rare celestial display.
According to local astronomer Shahrin Ahmad, Malaysians will be treated to three rare astronomical phenomena on the very same day.
So, if you look up at the sky this 28 July, you'll get to see:

#1 Longest eclipse of the century

Shahrin told The Star Online that the eclipse happening on that day (or early morning, to be exact) will be the longest of this century. According to Shahrin, the moon will take a total of four hours to cross the Earth’s dark umbral shadow.
The best time to catch the eclipse, Shahrin revealed, is between 2.24am and 6.19am.

#2 Blood moon

The highlight of every eclipse is the moment the moon turns bright red. This time around, Shahrin said that the 'blood moon' phenomenon will happen between 3.30am and 5.13am.

#3 Mars and the Milky Way

Now, the crème de la crème of the night: the sight of Mars and the Milky Way. Shahrin told the news portal that the moon, the planet Mars and the Milky Way will be visible side by side on that night.
In fact, according to Shahrin, Mars will appear the brightest ever over the last 15 years.
Cover your eyes. According to Shahrin, the entire sky show will last one hour and 43 minutes.
The best place to catch all three phenomenon is in Peninsular Malaysia, especially in the east coast states where there are less light pollution, said Shahrin.
So guys, gather your friends and get your telecsopes ready. The sky's going to put on a show.
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