
The Coronavirus Has Finally Reached Antartica, The Last Continent On Earth Untouched By The Pandemic

RD Minion
00:33 MYT
COVID-19 is arguably one of the worst global pandemics in history, as its deadly grip has has affected almost every country in the world.
Sadly, the only remaining continent in the world that was not affected by the pandemic has also fallen.

Majority are from the army

According to a report by news agency AP, Antartica recorded its first few positive COVID-19 cases recently - 58, to be exact.
Chilean authorities confirmed on Monday (21 December) that at least 58 people, who were stationed at two military bases in Antarctica or on a navy ship that went to the continent, tested positive for the coronavirus.
The report revealed that 36 people at the Gen. Bernardo O’Higgins Riquelme Antarctic base had tested positive, while 21 people from the Chilean navy’s Sargento Aldea supply vessel were also infected.
Lonely town recorded one case. Another case was reported in Las Estrellas village, where the Sargento Aldea had docked earlier.
The report added that at the moment, a total of 208 crew members on board the vessel have been quarantined and none had shown COVID-19 complications so far.
We hope that they get things under control over there. Wishing you a speedy recovery, you guys!
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