There's been plenty of forwarded messages on WhatsApp on COVID-19, vaccination and related stuff but not all of them are legit information.

It's been more than a year, guys. We should know by now not to share unverified messages.

The latest fake news being spread is that you will have to register for vaccination again if you don't see your postcode displayed under the "vaccine for whatever-your-name-is" part.

Just a MySejahtera app

Forward messages
If you received the above message, just ignore it because very likely, someone just decided to make assumptions based on very little information.

The matter was confirmed by the Jawatankuasa Khas Jaminan Akses Bekalan Vaksin COVID-19 (JKJAVMY) via a tweet from their official Twitter account on Monday (10 May).

Don't be like this person who raged without checking and got schooled.

We're not saying don't rage because there's plenty to rage about when it comes to the way COVID-19 and the vaccination programme in this country is being managed, but at least be sure you're raging about something legit.

If you or someone you know see postcode information on your app, it's just an update. It doesn't mean that your application wasn't being reviewed when ypu submitted your information earlier.

Even if you re-submitted your details after you saw the viral message, don't worry. Your turn will not be pushed back.

Just stay calm and keep calling the government out. Just be sure you have all the facts before you do so.