Indonesia Claims That The Current Haze Is Coming From Sarawak
The annual, uninvited haze season is officially in full swing in Malaysia. And we all know for sure that the haze comes from our neighbouring country, Indonesia, because it's been happening every year since the dinosaur ages (OK, we're exaggerating).
According to a report by the New Straits Times, the Asean Specialised Meteorological Centre (ASMC) has confirmed our suspicions, as they revealed that the current haze originated from Indonesia – Sumatra, Kalimantan and Riau, specifically.
But in a shocking turn of events, Indonesia has pointed their finger at Malaysia as the cause of the transboundary haze.
Indonesia’s Environment and Forestry Minister Siti Nurbaya has pinned Sarawak as the reason for the current haze situation.
“There is some undisclosed information not shared publicly. The smoke in Malaysia and Kuala Lumpur is actually from Sarawak and then from Peninsular Malaysia. But only a portion from West Kalimantan. The Malaysian government should be transparent about it,” Siti Nurbaya told
Besides Malaysia, Indonesia is also questioning why Singapore is blaming the haze in its country on Riau.
"The smoke coming from Riau to Singapore is not true. The hotspots in Riau have decreased. We have 46 helicopters working on the field,” Siti Nurbaya said defending her country.
She also added that transboundary haze isn’t happening anymore.
“The haze is from Kalimantan, Sarawak, and Peninsular Malaysia. So, don’t say the haze is only from Indonesia,” Siti Nurbaya stressed.
Well, Indonesia loves to claim a lot of things, but apparently haze isn’t on their list. What do you think, fellow Malaysians? Is it really Sarawak’s fault?
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