Imagine being confirmed with COVID-19 and then receiving information from health authorities about funeral home services!

This actually happened to a number of COVID-19 patients in Japan recently.


According to a report by SoraNews24, the Osaka health office had accidentally used envelopes with details of a funeral home to mail information packets to COVID-19 patients.

Envelopes meant for fundraising effort

The envelopes were supposed to be used for a fundraising effort but got used for the patients instead.

The office later apologised for the mistake.

“We used envelopes we had at the time, without being conscious of the potential problems,” said the office’s spokesman as quoted in the report.

The report further said that the envelopes had the funeral home’s information at the back, including free consultation services to explain pricing and options for the kinds of funerals it can provide.

We can imagine how confused or angry the recipients might have been.

Hope the office with check twice before sending out envelopes again!