When you are jobless, it’s natural to put your needs first as you're in a dire situation.

This was not the case for former professional boxer AJ Lias Mansor though.

Despite having to close his bodybuilding centre in September last year, AJ still took it upon himself to care for the stray dogs and cats in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

According to a report by China Press, AJ has been feeding the strays in the area since March last year after the Movement Control Order (MCO) was enforced and continued the good deed despite losing his centre.

A special bond

The 46-year-old said he is lucky that despite being Muslim, his family did not object to him feeding the stray dogs.

Being used to the daily feedings, the strays now wait for his arrival to help themselves to some food.

“There are many strays around us. You can not like them but please do not hurt them,” he said.

AJ spends between RM300 and RM400 weekly to feed the strays despite having no incoming income.

Do support AJ by contacting him at 010-9317869.