
KLites, You Can Now Report Missing IC Or Passports Via The Internet

Nicholas Chow
02:18 MYT

If you've lodged a police report before, you'll know the hassle you need to go through: the long wait for your turn as non-smiling policemen slowly types your complaint, using two fingers, on a very old desktop computer which is probably running Windows 95.

Fret no more, as these scenarios are now a thing of the past.
The citizens of Kuala Lumpur can now skip the queue and directly report non-criminal cases from the comfort of their own homes.
PDRM has just recently launched the Online Police Reporting System to enable the rakyat to easily lodge a police report when they lose their MyKad or passport.
City police chief Comm Datuk Amar Singh told The Star Online that 80 to 90 per cent of reports lodged in 2015 and 2016 lodged in KL involved people losing their passports, identification cards and handphones.
The implementation of the online reporting system, according to Amar, meant that the public will no longer need to go to the police station and stare awkwardly at the policemen as he types in your report.
The system was first tested out at the Taman Tun Dr Ismail police station, but due to the overwhelming response and positive feedback, the authorities have decided to expand it to the whole of Kuala Lumpur, Amar added.
And here's the good news: if everything goes well, this system might be rolled out to the entire country.
But for now, if you're staying in the city and you want to lodge a police report, head on over to the Online Police Reporting System website, but you might need to bear with the grammatical errors and typos on the website, though.
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