
Netizens Question High Parking Rates At MITEC And MATRADE Vaccination Centres

06:16 MYT
When you're heading to a vaccination center to get yourself vaccinated, you'd think that the government will make it a smooth experience for you, right?
Well, you thought wrong.

Parking fee a sore point

Netizens have hit out at the Special Committee on COVID-19 Vaccine Supply Access Guarantee (JKJAV) after a tweet about the parking rate at two vaccination centres (PPV) went viral on Twitter.
In a tweet posted on Sunday (30 May), JKJAV pointed out that the MITEC PPV is equipped with a surau, help desk, wheelchairs, buggies, and indoor parking at RM5 per three hours or RM10 per day.
"MATRADE's open-air parking is also available at RM7 per day," it was stated in the tweet.

Why so steep?

As you'd expect, the tweet was not met with positive reaction.
Netizens hit out at the committee, questioning the steep parking rate at the two PPV locations which, by the way, are owned by government agencies. Will the government listen to the voices of the people and do away with parking charges or at least reduce the rates? We'll have to wait and see.
Considering the full lockdown, many are understandably worried about finances and every ringgit matters. Let's hope the right decision is made.
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