
This Photo Of A RM2mil Lamborghini Gutted In A Bkt Bintang Fire Is The Saddest Picture Of The Week

RD Minion
15:58 MYT
Can you imagine saving up for, like, a hundred years to finally be able to afford your dream car, but it went up in flames and burned down to a crisp in a matter of minutes?
That's, like, the saddest thing ever, right?
Unfortunately for one man, that exact same scenario happened to him recently.

A very expensive incident

Our heart aches just looking at the picture. Several photos showing a burned down black-and-gold Lamborghini Avenrador have been circulating like wild fire (heh!) on social media.
According to a report by The New Straits Times, the supercar, which is said to be worth a cool RM2 million, caught fire in the parking lot of the Pavilion Residences in Bukit Bintang early Sunday morning.
Fire and Rescue Department operation commander Mohd Rozi Jusoh told the daily that they received a distress call at around 2.40am.
Burned to a crisp. The fire department immediately dispatched 14 personnel in two FRT trucks, plus an Emergency Medical Rescue Service (EMRS) vehicle, from the Tun Razak and Pudu stations to the scene.
But sadly, all the king's men couldn't put the flaming Lambo back together again, as the flames had already engulfed 40 per cent of the vehicle by the time Mohd Rozi and his guys showed up.
Mohd Rozi said it took them several minutes to put out the fire, and probably a lifetime for the owner to forget about the incident.
Bye, savings. The fire department is currently investigating the cause of the fire.
Thankfully, no one was hurt in the incident - except maybe for the owner's wallet and his heart.
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