
The Police Wants You To Stop Doing The #InMyFeelings Challenge

Nicholas Chow
03:06 MYT

It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt.

Every now and then, a new challenge will pop up and take over the internet. These days, it's the #InMyFeelings Challenge (or also known as the Keke Challenge).
This one's a little bit different though, as the chances of you getting hurt is pretty high, considering that the challenge involves someone jumping out of a moving car.
And the Malaysian police obviously doesn't want that to happen.
City Traffic Enforcement Investigation Department chief Assistant Commissioner Zulkefly Yahya has advised Malaysians to stop doing the challenge on public roads.
Doing the dance challenge in public will put the safety of the person performing the challenge as well as the driver at risk, Zulkefly told The New Straits Times.
Thankfully, Zulkefly said that the police have yet to to receive any reports about people getting hurt while doing the challenge, and the authorities want it to stay that way.
In case you were wondering, the dance challenge was invented by American DJ Shiggy, who uploaded a clip of him dancing outside a moving vehicle on his Instagram profile.
The premise of the challenge is simple: the passenger would need to jump out of a moving car and dance and lip-sync to Drake's "In My Feelings".
The entire challenge will be recorded by the driver of the moving vehicle, so now you see why the stunt is actually dangerous, right?
If you still want to do the #InMyFeelings Challenge, just follow local celeb Daphne Iking's footsteps and do it at home:
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