
True or False? Facts That Voters Need to Know about GE15

Alicia Corbett
07:34 MYT

Now that the elections are merely days away, you have already read up on what you should know about GE15. You’ve also probably checked on your voting centre for 19 November. You may even be so excited that you’re preparing your outfit for the day. But wait…do you have to follow a certain dress code? As with every election, there are many rumours swirling around as to what voters can and cannot do. We’ve personally received several messages on Whatsapp about this ––– and some are simply absurd and should be taken with heaps of salt.

Here, we share some of the information we’ve received and whether they’re true or false:

No Shorts or Slippers: False

Due to our hot weather, some Malaysians are used to carrying out our daily routines dressed casually in slippers and shorts. This message claims that you can’t wear shorts and slippers to polling centres.

etika berpakaian

According to the EC, this is untrue. While we should all make sure we are modestly dressed ––– you can basically dress as you like. Just make sure your outfit doesn’t have the following according to Section 26(1)(g) of the Election Offences Act of 1954 (Act 5):

  • the name of any electoral candidate

  • the symbol of any political party

You Have to Strictly Follow Your Voting Time: False

The official voting time this year is from 8.00am to 6.00pm in Peninsular Malaysia, while it is from 7.30am to 5.30pm in Sabah and Sarawak.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, you may have noticed the additional section on your suggested voting hours to spread out the crowd. Some people seem to have taken this to mean that it is compulsory. But take note that this is just a suggestion, folks! If you can’t make it during the suggested time, it’s perfectly all right to show up at the polling centres during the official timings.

It is Mandatory for You to Sanitise Your Hands After You Vote: False

Another message that has been making its rounds is that the EC will ask you to sanitise your hands after you’ve dipped your finger in the ink ––– an apparent requirement from KKM. The EC has made a statement on its website that this is yet another false viral message as this is not compulsory.

You Can Still Vote if You’ve Lost Your MyKad: True

If you have lost your MyKad, or if it’s unreadable, don’t fret, you can still vote as there are other documents that you can use to prove your identity. However, these must be legal documents issued by a government agency such as your driving license, passport, etc.


You Must Surrender Your Phone Before Voting: True

Certain sources have spread the news that voters are not allowed to bring their mobile phones to polling centres. While this is NOT TRUE, a new requirement has been introduced for GE15, according to an infographic by the Election Commission.

You will have to surrender your phone at the table of the Head of the Polling Station. After you mark and cast your vote, you will be allowed to collect your phone back from the Head of the Polling Station.

Image credit: spr.gov.my, @haiqal_yb_official, @padangbolasepak

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