UPDATE (3.05pm): After an early morning scare, it looks like Power Rangers has been given the all-clear to be screened in Malaysian cinemas.

TGV's head of marketing services Celeste Koay confirmed with Rojak Daily via a text message that the film has been approved by the Malaysian Censorship Board (LPF) and will carry a PG13 rating.

According to Koay, the film will feature no cuts.

TGV Pictures, the distributor of the film, confirmed via a tweet that the movie will be released on 23 March, its original release date:

Just as we were celebrating the end of the whole Beauty and the Beast gay scene drama, another movie remake has come under the spotlight.

Power Rangers, the movie based on the popular 90s TV series, is reportedly under the review of the Malaysian Censorship Board (LPF) due to a minor lesbian moment.

According to a report by The Star Online, a scene in the movie features the Yellow Power Ranger, Trini, coming to terms with her sexual orientation, which is a no no under LPF's guidelines.

This came after the film's director Dean Israelite told US entertainment site The Hollywood Reporter in a recent interview that Trini's gay moment is "pivotal to the film".

Image: Lionsgate
The film, which was supposed to open in Malaysian cinemas on 23 March, has also been reportedly pulled from cinema listings.

Speaking to Channel News Asia, TGV's senior marketing manager Celeste Koay said that the move was just a precautionary measure.

“To avoid any issues that may arise, we pulled (the movie) from the cinema listing at the moment, as the film is still undergoing the Malaysian Censorship Board’s (LPF) review,” she was quoted as saying.

This isn't the first time Power Rangers came under the spotlight though.

Back in the 1995, the TV series was taken off the air because the show's name featured the word 'Morphin', which the Malaysian government said would encourage kids to stick needles into their veins.