2020 proved to be a year that anything can happen.

Even something deemed pretty impossible in 2020 standards.

Immune to the coronavirus

A woman in Singapore stunned doctors recently when she gave birth to a baby with antibodies against the coronavirus.

According to The Straits Times, Celin Ng-Chan was first infected with the coronavirus in March.

Ng, who was pregnant at the time, was on a holiday in Europe with her parents, husband, and daughter.

Miraculously, the baby, who was born in November 2020, didn’t have the coronavirus.

Instead, the baby had antibodies for the virus, making the baby immune to COVID-19.

Ng told the news portal that she could have transferred the antibodies to the baby during her pregnancy.

"My doctor suspects I have transferred my COVID-19 antibodies to him during my pregnancy,” she was quoted as saying.

While this may give researchers a clue as to whether a baby can catch the coronavirus from their mother, Ng's case is not totally groundbreaking.

Prior to this, the World Health Organisation (WHO) had said that it is not yet known whether a pregnant woman with COVID-19 can pass the virus to her foetus or baby.

Despite that, we do feel that Ng's case could help doctors in the long run.

We are also glad that Ng's baby is healthy and free of the coronavirus.